Chandrayaan 3 launch date: ISRO gears up for third lunar mission as India eyes to achieve rare feat

Chandrayaan 3 launch date: ISRO gears up for third lunar mission as India eyes to achieve rare feat

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is all set to launch its third lunar mission, Chandrayaan 3, on July 14, 2023. The mission will be launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.

Chandrayaan 3 is a follow-on mission to Chandrayaan 2, which was launched in 2019. The earlier mission was a partial success, as the lander Vikram failed to soft-land on the lunar surface. However, the orbiter Chandrayaan 2 continued to orbit the Moon and made significant scientific discoveries.

Chandrayaan 3 will attempt to soft-land a lander and rover on the Moon’s south pole. The south pole is a region of the Moon that has not been explored by any other country. The lander will carry a variety of scientific instruments, including a camera, a spectrometer, and a magnetometer. The rover will be able to travel up to 500 meters on the lunar surface.

The success of Chandrayaan 3 would be a major achievement for India and would put the country in the elite club of nations that have successfully landed on the Moon. The mission would also help India to gain valuable experience in lunar exploration, which could be used for future missions to the Moon and Mars.

The launch of Chandrayaan 3 is a major milestone for the Indian space program. The mission is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the scientists and engineers at ISRO. The success of the mission would be a proud moment for India and would showcase the country’s growing capabilities in space exploration.

Here are some of the key objectives of Chandrayaan 3:

  • To soft-land a lander and rover on the Moon’s south pole.
  • To conduct in-situ scientific experiments on the lunar surface.
  • To collect data and samples from the Moon’s surface.
  • To demonstrate end-to-end capability in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface.

The launch of Chandrayaan 3 is a significant event in the history of Indian space exploration. The mission has the potential to make major scientific discoveries and to help India to become a leading player in the field of lunar exploration.

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